Saturday, November 04, 2006


Bruno AbarcaBruno Abarca is a 24 years old medical student from Spain. Bruno has been involved in the IFMSA since 2003 as Local Officer on Human Rights, National Public Health Officer, and now as NORP (National Officer on Human Rights and Peace). Articles by Bruno Abarca

Carlos GómezCarlos Gómez studies Medicine in Mexico. He has participated actively in his IFMSA Local Committee (Puebla) with the Professional Exchanges Program and, now, the Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace. Articles by Carlos Gómez.

Claude Bajada, the Maltese NORP, is a 2nd year medical student, very passionate about SCORP and Human Rights issues. Articles by Claude Bajada.

Jonathan P. Mamo is a medical students involved in SCORP from Malta.Thatyana Ernani

Thatyana Ernani
studies medicine in Brazil. She is the National Officer on Human Rights and Peace for IFLMS-Brazil, and also works for the Standing Committee on Public Health at her Local Committee. Articles by Thatyana Ernani

Yelena PetrosyanYelena Petrosyan writes from Armenia. She is a 20 years old medical student, and the current IFMSA SCORP Director for 2006-07. Articles by Yelena Petrosyan.